Buying a Home.

Whether you're buying for now, forever or for investment, I'm committed to guiding you through the buying process.

1. GET PRE-APPROVED. Find out what you can afford and what you WANT to afford. Talk to a broker and get pre-approved for a mortgage and then sit down and work out a budget. I have a list that can help you plan.

2. START A SEARCH. I'll set up a tailored search for you that will be delivered to your inbox daily based on your criteria: rooms, location, size, price. You can track your favourites, watch for new listings and see how much they sell for. This helps you build a big picture for value and market trends.

3. GO LOOK IN PERSON. Physically being at a listing is very different than looking at photos. Houses, condos, townhouses, they all have personalities and you need to see whether it works for you. Walking up the path and through the front door is the only way you can meet your future home. Go to open houses or let me set up a curated search for you.

4. ASK QUESTIONS. Ask so many questions. This is probably the biggest commitment you've made in your life so it's important to get all the answers. I won't leave you wondering and if I can't answer something, I'll find someone who can.

5. MAKE AN OFFER. You'll know the right one. I'll dig into the comparables and show you past sales so that you can make an informed decision. We'll discuss pricing strategy and I'll prepare the paperwork. Then comes the negotiation and then the good news...your offer was accepted!

6. REMOVE SUBJECTS. More than likely you'll have at least one subject of financing, inspection, documents review or all of the above and more. The subject period is the time to dot the i's and cross the t's and get everything in order. 

7. SOLD! Now we celebrate and start planning your move. Can you hardly wait?

I'd love to partner with you to find a home you love. Fill out the form below or reach out directly any time.

LOVE where you live.

Please Provide Your Buying Criteria

Shelley Hamer-Jackson

Oakwyn Realty Ltd.

102-3151 Woodbine Drive  North Vancouver, 
V7R 2S4 

Mobile: 604-537-7754